Months of the year in Spanish with Pronunciation & Examples

The months of the year in Spanish, like in any language, consist of twelve months and just like the days of the week they form a fundamental part of the Spanish vocabulary that enables us to situate ourselves in time.
In order to properly express the months it is necessary to follow grammatical rules which are explained in detail here.
Spanish | English | Pronunciation |
Enero | January | ay-nair-oh |
Febrero | February | fay-bray-roh |
Marzo | March | mar-soh |
Abril | April | ah-breel |
Mayo | May | mi-oh |
Junio | June | hoo-nee-oh |
Julio | July | hoo-lee-oh |
Agosto | August | ah-gohs-toh |
Septiembre | September | sayp-tee-aim-bray |
Octubre | October | ohk-too-bray |
Noviembre | November | noh-bee-aim-bray |
Diciembre | December | dee-see-aim-bray |
Gramatical rules
- Months in Spanish are written in lowercase, unless they are the first word of a sentence.
Lowercase: El día de San Valentín es en febrero. – Valentine’s day is in February. Uppercase: Diciembre es el mes del frio. – December is the month of cold. |
- To express what month it is, you say Es (it’s) followed by the day
Es octubre. – It’s october Es noviembre, mi mes favorito. – It’s November, my favorite month. |
- To indicate an event has or will take place on a specific month, use the preposition en which means in.
Common words and expressions
English | Spanish |
Month | Mes (m) |
Year | Año (m) |
Semester | Semestre (m) |
Century | Siglo (m) |
Millennium | Milenio (m) |
Decade | Década |
October 1st | Primero – 1ro de Octubre |
Leap-year | Año bisiesto |
Examples of sentences with the months of the year
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