Evaluate your knowledge with this quiz from Transtle.com
An auxiliary verb is a complementary verb that is used to accompany another main verb
Select the sentence that uses "avoir" as an auxiliary verb
The imperfect past tense (l’imparfait in French) for the subjects: Je y Tu is:
The imperfect past tense (l’imparfait in French) for Nous is:
The imperfect past tense (l’imparfait in French) for ils/elles is:
The imperfect past tense (l’imparfait in French) for il/elle is:
The imperfect past tense (l’imparfait in French) for vous is:
1. Write 3 sentences with the verb avoir expressing possession.
2. Write 3 sentences with the verb avoir as an auxiliary verb.
3. Write 3 sentences with the verb avoir in l'imparfait.