Verb avoir

Evaluate your knowledge with this quiz from

An auxiliary verb is a complementary verb that is used to accompany another main verb

Select the sentence that uses "avoir" as an auxiliary verb

Select the sentences that uses "avoir" to express possession

The imperfect past tense (l’imparfait in French) for the subjects: Je y Tu is:

The imperfect past tense (l’imparfait in French) for Nous is:

The imperfect past tense (l’imparfait in French) for ils/elles is:

The imperfect past tense (l’imparfait in French) for il/elle is:

The imperfect past tense (l’imparfait in French) for vous is:

1. Write 3 sentences with the verb avoir expressing possession.

2. Write 3 sentences with the verb avoir as an auxiliary verb.

3. Write 3 sentences with the verb avoir in l'imparfait.

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