There is there are ingles

Llena el espacio en blanco con la forma correcta de There is - There are

a cat on the roof (Hay un gato en el techo)

milk in the fridge. (No hay leche en la nevera)

some books on the shelf. (Hay algunos libros en el estante)

a good show (Hubo un huen expectaculo)

  1. There is a park near my house.
  2. There are some flowers in the garden.
  3. There is a supermarket on the corner.
  4. There are some children playing in the park.
  5. There is a party at my friend’s house tonight.

  1. There is a park near my house.
  2. There are some flowers in the garden.
  3. There is a supermarket on the corner.
  4. There are some children playing in the park.
  5. There is a party at my friend’s house tonight.

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