French Greetings, Farewells & More: Full List, Examples, Exercises

French greeting example salut, comment vas tu

Greetings in French

Greetings, farewells, and introductions in French are words that are used to greet, say goodbye, introduce oneself or thers, inquire about someone’s well-being, etc. They are used to denote the presence, arrival, or departure of a person, among other things, and they demonstrate courtesy, respect, and politeness towards others.

Some of these expressions in French are more common than others, and the level of formality also varies, with some being more formal than the rest.

List of greetings, farewells and introductions in french

Greetings in french


There are several ways to say “hello” in French, some formal, others casual. Different levels of formality can be found in various expressions.

BonjourGood morning
Bon après-midiGood afternoon
BonsoirGood evening/night
Saludations (Noun)Greetings

How are you

  • Formal

Subject pronounFrenchEnglish
TuComment ca va?

How are you?

Comment va tu?
VousComment ca va?
Comment allez vous?

Use tu: When it’s a casual relationship, such as a friend, relative, or a younger person.

Use vous: If it’s a formal relationship, such as a boss, someone you don’t know, or someone much older.

See also: Tu and vous 

How are you

  • Formal

Subject pronounFrenchEnglish
TuComment ca va?

How are you?

Comment va tu?
VousComment ca va?
Comment allez vous?

Use tu: When it’s a casual relationship, such as a friend, relative, or a younger person.

Use vous: If it’s a formal relationship, such as a boss, someone you don’t know, or someone much older.

See also: Tu and vous 

When to use tu and vous in french, examples of people talking
  • Informal

Quoi de neuf?What’s up? What’s new?
Comment as-tu été?How have you been?
Comment ça se passe?How is everything going?

Fine, thanks, you?

Je vais bien, merci, et toi/vous?I’m fine, thanks, you?
Ça va, merci, et toi/vous?I’m fine, thanks, you?/It’s going well, thanks, you?
Tout va bien/bien/It’s all good/fine/
On y vaFine or there we go. (Casual)


Comment vas tu, ca fait long temp je suis ravi de te voir french greetings conversation


Au revoirBye/goodbye
A plusSee you
A plus tardSee you later
À demainSee you tomorrow
A la prochaine semaine/jour/lundiSee you next week/day/monday
À lundiSee you on monday
Bonne nuitGood night

Greetings include the days of the week, it is recommended that you learn them too.

Introductions and other common expressions

Je suis content de te/vous voirI’m glad t osee you /I’m happy t osee you
Je suis ravi de te/vous voirIt’s a pleasure to see you
C’est un plaisir de vous connaitreNice to meet you, it’s a pleasure to meet you
Ce fut un plaisir It’s been  pleasure (to meet you)
Merci pour votre tempsThank you for your time
Ça fait longtempsIt’s been a while, it’s been a long time
Salut à tousGreetings to all/everyone
Prends soins de vousTake care
Passe une bonne journéeHave a nice day
Passe une bonne nuitHave a good night
Dors bienSleep well, sleep tight

Dialogue with greetings, introductions, and farewells in French

Next, you will find two conversation that includes the expressions learned with this lesson.

Dialogue 1.

  • Mathew:Mathew: Bonjour Camille! 
  • Camille: Salut Mathew!
  • Mathew: Comment  ça va ?
  • Camille: ça va bien, et toi ?
  • Mathew: Je vais bien, merci, ca fait longtemps!
  • Camille: Oui, c’est vrais, quoi de neuf?
  • Mathew: Je vis ici a Paris maintenant.
  • Camille: Bonne Nouvelle! Oh, Mathew, je te presente mon fiancé.
  • Mathew: Salut, enchanté.
  • Nicolas: Salut Mathew, je m’appelle Nicolas.
  • Mathew: Tu es espagnol?
  • Nicolas: Oui, je viens de la Espagne, c’est mon première fois en France.
  • Mathew: Bienvenue alors!
  • Camille: Il adore la France.
  • Mathew: Oui, c’est un beau pays.
  • Camille: Quelle heure est il? Je crois que nous devons partir.
  • Mathew: D’accord, ça fait plaisir de te voir Camille, J’espère vous rencontrer une autre fois.
  • Camille: Oui, moi aussi.
  • Nicolas: On peut aller diner ce samedi
  • Mathew: Oui, ca serait fantastique!
  • Camille: Parfait! je t’appellerai demain alor, a Samedi.
  • Mathew: A plus, bonne nuit.
  • Nicolas: Bonne nuit, prends soins de vous.

Dialogue 2.

Person 1: Je vais bien, merci. Est-ce que vous avez besoin d’aide ? (I’m doing well, thank you. Do you need any help?)
Person 2: Non, merci beaucoup. Au revoir ! (No, thank you very much. Goodbye!)
Person 1: Au revoir ! À bientôt ! (Goodbye! See you soon!)

In this conversation, Person 1 uses the formal greeting “Bonjour” and the formal pronoun “vous” to address Person 2, who responds using the same level of formality. Person 1 also uses the formal expression “Est-ce que vous avez besoin d’aide ?” (Do you need any help?) to offer assistance. Person 2 uses the formal expression “Non, merci beaucoup” (No, thank you very much) to decline the offer and says “Au revoir” (Goodbye) using the formal expression. Finally, Person 1 says “À bientôt” (See you soon) using a more informal farewell expression.


a) Hello b) Good morning c) Good afternoon d) Good night e) How are you? (formal)  f) How are you? (informal)

a) Goodbye b) See you later c) See you tomorrow d) See you next Thursday.

a) Let me introduce you to b) Nice to meet you c) It's a pleasure to meet you e) My name is

Suggested exercise:

Create a scenario in your mind in which you must greet, introduce yourself, and say goodbye to someone, then write down the entire conversation and say it out loud.

Check how well you did using the information from the lesson.

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