French Articles: Simple Guide, Use, Examples and Exercises

List of french articles in french and english with genders

Articles in French

Articles in French are words that precede a noun. They indicate the gender (masculine or feminine) and the number (singular or plural) of the noun, as well as specifying whether it refers to something definite (specific) or indefinite (non-specific).

Types of articles

  • Definite:
  • le (the) male
  • la (the) female
  • les (the) plural
  • un (a) male
  • une (a) female
  • des (some)

Articles always agree in gender and number with the noun they accompany, and this implies, of course, learning the gender of each word.

Definite article in French: Le, las, les

They are used to refer to something specific or defined, which is already known.



Singular and masculine.
LaSingular and feminine.
LesPlural, both masculine and feminine.


  • Le garçon. – The boy. (Garçon is a masculine noun)
  • Le soleil. -The sun.
  • La fille. – The girl. (Fille is a feminine noun)
  • La maison verte. – The green house.
  • Les maisons vertes. – The green house. (plural) (Maisons in a noun in plural because is more than pme house and it’s feminine.)
  • Les filles. – The girls.
  • Les garçon.s – The boys.

Contraction of le (L’)

When the singular definite article le y la (the) is followed by a word that begins with a vowel or a silent h, it is contracted and becomes l’.

This contraction is done to facilitate pronunciation and avoid cacophony (unpleasant sound due to the repetition of vowels).

  • L’hiver .- The winter
  • L’orange. – The Orange.
  • L’étudiant. – The student.

French Indefinite article: Un, un, des

The indefinite articles (Articles Indéfinis) are un, une, and des (A, an and some). They are used to refer to something non-specific or not defined. 

UnA, anSingular and masculine
UneA, anSingular and feminine
DesSomePlural, both masculine and feminine.


  • Un gâteau blanc. – A White cake.
  • Un chat. – A cat.
  • Une pomme. – An apple.
  • Des robes noires. – Some black dresses.
  • Des chats. – Some cats.


Artilces in french definite and indefinite with examples


Of these two options, which one is a way to say "The" in French?

Fill in the blank with the correct form of the French definite article (The)

Remember articles agree on  gender and number with the noun they accompany, therefore, to know which article to use you must know the gender of the noun.







  étudiant (inluding males and females)

Fill in the blank with the correct form of the French infinite article (A, An, Some))



maison rouge



Write two sentences using each form of the definite article (Le, las, les) and two sentences for each form of the indefinite articles in French (Un, une, des).