Avoir: How To Use it, Conjugation And Examples 

Verb avoir

The verb “Avoir” is a French verb meaning “to have”, and is the second most commonly used verb in French after the verb “être” (to be) and is used to indicate ownership or possession, to express states or feelings, and to form compound tenses for actions or events (I have, you have, they had, etc.).


  • Ownership or possession: I have a dog – J’ai un chien.
  • States or feelings: I am hungry – J’ai faim.
  • Compound tenses: I have eaten a cake. – J’ai mangé un gâteau.

Conjugation of avoir

Presen simple

verb avoir in french conjugation in french and english
J’ai (Je ai)I have
Tu asYou have
Il / Elle aHe / She / It has
Nous avonsWe have
Ils / Elles ontThey have

Examples or sentences with the verb avoir

  • J’ai une voiture. – I have a car.
  • Tu as mangé une pomme. – You have eaten an apple.
  • Elle a une belle sourire. – She has a beautiful smile.
  • Ils ont vu le film. – They have seen the film.
  • Vous avez des belles plantes. – You have beautiful pants.

How to use avoir

Avoir is a fundamental verb in French, both for its own meaning and for its role in the conjugation of other verbs. It performs two main functions in French:

  1. Main verb:
  • It indicates possession or ownership: “J’ai un livre” (I have a book).
  • It expresses states or feelings: “J’ai faim” (I am hungry), “J’ai peur” (I am afraid).

      2.Auxiliary verb:

  • It is used to form compound tenses: “J’ai mangé” (I have eaten).
  • Property or possesion

Subject + verb avoir + what is owned or possessed

  • Le jardin + a + une piscine. – The garden + has + a pool.
  • Le chien a une balle. – The dog has a ball.
  • Le fille a les yeux noirs. – The girl has back eyes.
  • Ils ont un problème. – They have a problem.
  • Nous avons une maison petite. – We have a small house.
  • Ils ont des chemises rouges. – They have red shirts.
  • Feelings or states

Subject + avoir + complement (the feeling)

  • Elles ont faim – Thery ae hungry.
  • Tu as froid. – You’re cold.
  • J’ai peur. – I’m scared.
  • Avoir as an auxiliary verb

“Avoir” is an auxiliary verb essential for the formation of compound tenses, those that express actions or events that have already occurred. Its main function is to “help” the main verb to conjugate in these tenses.

The general structure for forming compound tenses with “avoir” is as follows:

Subject + Auxiliary Verb (Avoir) + Main Verb + Complement

  • J’ai mangé un crêpe. – I have eaten a crêpe.
  • Il a coupé la viande. – He has cut the meat.

In the previous sentences, avoir is the auxiliary and “to eat” and “to cut” are the main ones.


A contraction is a shortened form of two words by removing one or more letters, and in French, it is common to make contractions with the first person singular “Je.” For example, instead of “Je ai un frère,” one uses the contraction “J’ai un frère,” removing the letter “e” from “Je” and replacing it with an apostrophe. This contraction is common in spoken and written French.

Avoir in l’imparfait 

L’imparfait expresses a fact or action that has already taken place at the time of speaking, but which may still be relevant as in the sentence “María had played”

J’ avais (Je avais)I had
Tu avaisYou had
Il / elle / avaitHe/ She had
Nous avionsWe had
Vous aviezYou had
Ils / elles avaientThey had

Examples with L’imparfait

  • Vous aviez un magasin. – You had a store.
  • Il avait une copine. – He had a girlfriend.
  • J’avais un ami en Venezuela. – I had a friend in Venezuela.


Now practice the verb avoir with the following test or exercises.

Evaluate your knowledge with this quiz from Transtle.com

An auxiliary verb is a complementary verb that is used to accompany another main verb

Select the sentence that uses "avoir" as an auxiliary verb

Select the sentences that uses "avoir" to express possession

The imperfect past tense (l’imparfait in French) for the subjects: Je y Tu is:

The imperfect past tense (l’imparfait in French) for Nous is:

The imperfect past tense (l’imparfait in French) for ils/elles is:

The imperfect past tense (l’imparfait in French) for il/elle is:

The imperfect past tense (l’imparfait in French) for vous is:

1. Write 3 sentences with the verb avoir expressing possession.

2. Write 3 sentences with the verb avoir as an auxiliary verb.

3. Write 3 sentences with the verb avoir in l'imparfait.

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