Months of the year in French with Pronunciation and Examples

The months of the year in French are basic words that are part of the vocabulary used every day, and just like the days of the week they allow us to situate ourselves in time.
These words have grammar rules that must be followed to have a proper communicaton.
French | English | Pronunciation |
Janvier | January | jahn-veeay |
Février | February | fay-vreeay |
Mars | March | mahrs |
Avril | April | ah-vreel |
Mai | May | mae |
Juin | June | jooa |
Juillet | July | joo-eeay |
Août | August | ah-oot |
Septembre | September | sep-tahm-bra |
Octobre | October | oc-to-bra |
Novembre | November | no-vehm-bra |
Décembre | December | daysehm-bra |
Grammar rules
- The months of the year in French are not capitalized
- To express what month it is, place c’est (it’s) before the month.
- To indicate an event has occurred or will occur in a certain month, add the preposition En followed by the month.
- But to refer to a specific date Le
Common words and expressions
French | English |
Mois (m) | Month |
Année (f) | Year |
Semestre (m) | Semester |
Siècle (m) | Century |
Millénaire (m) | Millennium |
Décennie (f) | Decade |
Année bissextile (f) | Leap-year |
Examples or Sentences
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